DeFi staking
Restaking. Pools.

XBANKING is a non-custodial platform lets you effortlessly stake on 140+ tokens. Forget about the risks of centralized staking—work with a large and  responsible provider and get steady rewards.  Attractive returns, profitable staking APR and complete safety - that's what we offer.

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Launchpool #4

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Stake 140+ cryptocurrencies. Boost rewards with our liquidity pools. Hold & Earn now.

  • iconSolana16%
  • iconAptos16%
  • iconPolkadot21%
  • iconMina Protocol16%
  • iconEthereum14%
  • iconArbitrum16%
  • iconAvalance16%
  • iconInternet Computer16%
  • iconFlow18%
  • iconOptimism16%
  • iconPolygon16%
  • iconFantom16%
  • iconCosmos18%
  • iconTON16%
  • iconTron12%
  • iconAstar Network18%
  • iconCelestia16%
  • iconAkash18%
  • iconKusama18%
  • iconKava16%
  • iconBNB16%
  • iconChia12%
  • iconThorchain16%
  • iconNEAR16%
  • iconSUI16%
  • iconSei16%
  • iconAcala16%
  • iconMantle18%
  • iconStarknet16%
  • iconWBTC12%
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  • iconPYTH18%
  • iconXB16%
  • iconMX30$
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  • iconOKB35%
  • iconUSDT32%
  • iconBOSON29%
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  • iconUSDC32$
  • iconIMX19%
  • iconCGPT29%
  • iconPERP22%
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  • iconNEO22%
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  • iconTWT26%
  • iconCAKE12%
  • iconPEPE20%
  • iconFLOKI18%
  • iconALT18%
  • iconDAI32%
  • iconEUROC32%
  • iconSHIB8%
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  • >iconC9818%
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  • iconSKL21%
  • iconARKM26%
  • icon tsTON 12%
  • icon stTON 12%
  • icon wsTON 12%
  • icon hTON 12%
  • icon stETH 12%
  • icon rETH 12%

Security and Stability

Check out our software and technology solutions to secure and
monitor the entire XBANKING ecosystem

  • Cloud Datacenter icon

    Cloud Datacenter

    Amazon AWS.

    Google Cloud.

    Private Datacenter.

    Tier III and IV Datacenter.

    All levels of redundancy.

  • Security icon


    Front-end Firewall.

    Back-end Firewall.

    DDoS protection.

    Hardening Server Security.

    Low latency with High Performance VPN.

    AS Carrier/ISP.

    Full Layer7 inspection.


    No incoming connections.

    KMS/HSM hardware.

  • Monitoring icon


    Datacenter, Hardware and Virtual Machine are monitored and alarmed.

    Blockchain monitoring systems such as 'out of sync' and missing signatures.

    Hourly reports.

    Real-time alarms.

    24/7 monitoring.

  • Notification system icon

    Notification system

    3 alert levels (missed blocks >2.5%, >10%, >50%).

    Change status to active/jailed/inactive.

    Change moniker to match previous name.

    Change commission.

    Voting power.

    New proposals, deposit/voting period, passed/rejected.

    Multiple user tag customizations.

    State of the consensus of the chains with height/round/step, online,shash and detailed pre-votes/pre-commits for each validator in the active set.

Infrastructure partners

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Frequently Asked Questions


XBANKING is one of the leading global Web3 infrastructure providers specializing in providing professional, stable, secure and blockchain compliant services to clients worldwide.

We are deeply committed to blockchain infrastructure technologies since 2022, and our defi staking services cover more than 40+ major public blockchains.

We provide end-to-end staking and liquidity pooling solutions for our 50,000+ individual and institutional clients. The world's largest asset managers, custodians, exchanges, funds, token and wallet holders utilize XBANKING's infrastructure and APIs to generate rewards.

XBANKING aims to become the world's largest liquidity provider.

Security and guarantees

DeFi staking cryptocurrencies is one of the safest and most predictable ways to get rewarded in the crypto space.

Since its launch in 2022, XBANKING has never suffered a hack or other security breach. Our fame as one of the most trusted steaking service providers sets us apart in the cryptocurrency market.

XBANKING has a large team of experts who oversee the condition and maintenance of the nodes.

XBANKING has been fully audited by Certik. It is a verified provider of StakingRewards.

The platform, contracts and technologies used by XBANKING are fully audited and certified.

What is DeFi staking?

The tokens are locked on the network and no one but you has access to them.
DeFi Staking is the most profitable way to generate passive income from your cryptocurrency. XBANKING supports four of the most reliable and safe ways of DeFi Staking.

Proof of Stake (PoS) Staking
The most popular form of staking is PoS staking on the Layer 1 blockchain, including Ethereum. It involves locking up cryptocurrency to validate transactions and secure the network, earning rewards in return.

Yield Farming
Yield farming is significant for providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and earning interest or governance tokens. It's a popular way for users to put their assets to work in the DeFi ecosystem.

Liquidity Provision Staking
Liquidity provision is essential for decentralized exchanges like Uniswap and SushiSwap. Users stake token pairs, ensuring liquidity for traders, and receive a share of trading fees in return.

Liquid Staking
Liquid staking is similar to PoS staking. Here too you’ve to lock up your tokens to secure the network & get rewards in return. But in addition to this, you get a liquid token of equivalent stake amount which you can reuse in other defi protocols for generating more rewards.

What is a Liquid pools?

Liquidity pool is one of the most innovative products of DeFi.

Liquidity pool is a basically pool of crypto tokens that are put together and kept securely within a smart contract to enable decentralized trading (DEX), lending protocols, Yield farming, Synthetic Assets, etc.

Placing tokens in liquid pools provides the highest yield, among other DeFi products.

Liquidity providers earn rewards such as transaction fees or staking yields.

What is Restaking?

Restaking is a concept first introduced by the XBANKING project — this is the first project to develop this idea and produce products related to it.

The idea of Restaking is to re-stake liquid staked tokens to provide security and make it possible for stakers (users) to receive rewards.

Restaking is a new concept in the world of cryptocurrency security that enables you to use your Ethereum (ETH), The Open Network (TON), Solana (SOL) and others more than once at the consensus layer.

For instance, if you’re staking your Ethereum directly or using a liquid staking token (LST), you can opt to use a service like XBANKING to earn additional rewards on your stake. up to 12% APR.

What is Dual Investment?

Dual Investment is a unique staking feature that promises high APRs over the short term. It involves a pair of tokens such as ETH/USDT, where you choose one to lock for either 1, 3 or 5 days, based on the staking plan.

After this period, you can claim back your locked amount along with the guaranteed yield. This yield is paid out regardless of the price movement. Once claimed, the total amount, inclusive of the yield (fixed at the time of Dual Investment creation), is returned to your wallet.

Delegate, undelegate periods

The delegate period refers to the amount of time the blockchain delegator waits after making a request to stake before their tokens are staked and eligible to earn rewards. No rewards are earned during the delegate period. Typically, the placement period takes 1-24 hours.

The undelegate period is the time that a blockchain delegator waits after making a request to unstake before their tokens can be accessed to move or sell. It varies between a few minutes to a few days. Staked assets don’t earn rewards during the unbonding period.

You can stop staking your assets at any time by clicking the Undelegate button in your Dashboard.


XBANKING is one of the fastest growing WEB3 projects.

2023 DONE

yellow-check icon Connected Networks
  • yellow-check icon Solana
  • yellow-check icon Aptos
  • yellow-check icon Polkadot
  • yellow-check icon Manta Network
  • yellow-check icon Astar network
  • yellow-check icon Mina Protocol
  • yellow-check icon Ethereum
  • yellow-check icon Near Protocol
  • yellow-check icon Sui Network
  • yellow-check icon Sei Network
  • yellow-check icon Arbitrum
  • yellow-check icon Avalanche
  • yellow-check icon Flow
  • yellow-check icon Optimism
  • yellow-check icon Polygon
  • yellow-check icon Fantom
  • yellow-check icon Cosmos
  • yellow-check icon Celestia
  • yellow-check icon Tron
  • yellow-check icon BSC
  • yellow-check icon Akash Network
  • yellow-check icon Kava Network
  • yellow-check icon The Open Network
  • yellow-check icon Chia Network
  • yellow-check icon Internet Computer
  • yellow-check icon ThorChain
  • yellow-check icon Mantle Network
  • yellow-check icon Acala Network
  • yellow-check icon Kusama
yellow-check icon Wallets
  • yellow-check icon WalletConnect
  • yellow-check icon MetaMask
  • yellow-check icon Nova wallet
  • yellow-check icon Phantom
  • yellow-check icon Coin98
  • yellow-check icon Keplr
  • yellow-check icon OneKey
  • yellow-check icon Ledger
  • yellow-check icon TrustWallet
  • yellow-check icon Talisman
  • yellow-check icon Super wallet
  • yellow-check icon MEV Staking
  • yellow-check icon Tonkeeper
  • yellow-check icon Crypto Off-Ramp

and over 100 other wallets

yellow-check icon Products and services
  • yellow-check icon Staking
  • yellow-check icon Restaking
  • yellow-check icon Dual Investment
  • yellow-check icon Super wallet
  • yellow-check icon XBANKING Research
  • yellow-check icon XB token migration on Solana
  • yellow-check icon 24/7 online support
  • yellow-check icon CIS community


yellow-check icon Some Cool Things
  • yellow-check icon New integrations. Tokens, Wallets, DApps
  • yellow-check icon Super wallet. New functional and services
  • Telegram @wallet integration
  • BTCfi. DeFi services based on Bitcoin network
  • RWA. Tokenization off-chain assets
  • Indexes and Funds (ETF)
  • Listing of XB token on major CEX and DEX
  • Global marketing and expansion
  • NFTfi. Lending & Borrowing NFTs

Q3 2024 SOON

Disclaimer: The product roadmap is intended to outline our general product direction, it’s only for information purposes. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in the roadmap remain at the sole discretion of SUPER Management.
